Is Your Preference Robbing You of God’s Best? – Bill Krause

It is good to seek God’s kingdom and not be led by your own preferences. While in the natural your preferences may seem like the more comfortable option it can stunt your growth as a Man or woman of God. When you are led by your preferences you step out of the will of God and can stop yourself and even someone else from receiving a blessing. When you seek Gods kingdom you will find God there. He’s always ready to help us grow and succeed. In seeking the kingdom, we will naturally get stronger in seeking God. Seeking Gods kingdom keeps our eyes on him and this will help us steer clear of distractions that will lead us away and help us to depend on God to not be overwhelmed with trying to do it on our own.

It is good to seek God’s kingdom and not be led by your own preferences. While in the natural your preferences may seem like the more comfortable option it can stunt your growth as a Man or woman of God. When you are led by your preferences you step out of the will of God and can stop yourself and even someone else from receiving a blessing. When you seek Gods kingdom you will find God there. He’s always ready to help us grow and succeed. In seeking the kingdom, we will naturally get stronger in seeking God. Seeking Gods kingdom keeps our eyes on him and this will help us steer clear of distractions that will lead us away and help us to depend on God to not be overwhelmed with trying to do it on our own.

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